Why Use a Percussion Massage Gun?

2022-08-13 20:00

Why Use a  Massage Gun?

Massage Gun, the full name of muscle fascia relaxation massage gun, can also be referred to as Massage Gun, its main function is to relax tense muscles and fascia through high-frequency vibration; it can also stimulate soft tissue to promote blood flow and deliver nutrients. Into the muscles to promote muscle recovery, inhibit the accumulation of lactic acid to relieve fatigue; can also help relieve sore muscles by stimulating the tendon spindles. Fascial guns can be used to help warm up before exercise and can also be used to help muscles relax after exercise.

Massage Gun

Massage Gun can be used as an alternative to the foam roller as a self-myofascial release tool,” says Vinh Pham, a physical therapist and the founder of Myodetox, a manual therapy and movement clinic with locations in Canada and the U.S. He notes that benefits include everything from decreased stress, pain and tissue tension to enhanced recovery, blood circulation and range of motion.

"You can use it before a workout to warm up your muscles and after a workout to reduce tightness and soreness,” adds Pham.

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